Most people don’t think about what would happen to their finances if a spouse, parent, or child suddenly fell ill. (Because really, who wants to think about things like that happening to their loved ones?)
But stop and think about it for a moment: what would happen if a member of your household were diagnosed with cancer, or suffered a heart attack or a serious injury and had to be hospitalized for days, weeks, or months?
Cancer, heart disease, accidents, and hospital stays, in general, can be physically and financially debilitating events that affect everyone involved.
The supplemental plans offered by Integrity FHL and underwritten by Family Heritage pay money directly to the client in order to help them offset all the additional costs and expenses that come up when illness or accidents strike, such as:
- Lost income
- Travel expenses to get the best care
- Insurance deductibles and co-payments
- Treatments not covered by health insurance
- Out-of-pocket expenses
Some of our plans have a unique ‘money back’ benefit. Meaning if you stay healthy and don’t use the plan, you get all of your premiums back! It truly is a win-win situation!

Cancer impacts millions of Americans each year, and millions more are left feeling overwhelmed when the disease strikes a family member. Our goal is to help free patients and their families from the worry and anxiety of dealing with these challenges.
The number of people suffering from heart attacks and strokes is historically high and expected to rise. The Family Heritage Heart Attack and Stroke Plan has benefits specifically geared toward containing the out-of-pocket costs associated with a heart-related illness.
While none of us can predict when an accident will occur, we can certainly be prepared for them. We encourage our customers to “expect the unexpected” and help protect themselves with our accident plans that can provide coverage for the bodily injuries that can result from life’s accidents.
A hospital stay can be stressful for both the patient and family. The deductibles, coinsurance, copayments and lost income can be confusing and often leave you paying out-of-pocket for more than you planned. Family Heritage’s Hospital Indemnity plan is designed specifically to help offset those out-of-pocket expenses when you or a family member has a hospital stay.
A hospital stay can be stressful for both the patient and family. The deductibles, coinsurance, copayments and lost income can be confusing and often leave you paying out-of-pocket for more than you planned. Family Heritage’s Hospital Indemnity plan is designed specifically to help offset those out-of-pocket expenses when you or a family member has a hospital stay.
Life insurance can help provide the ultimate protection for your family, helping to ease financial burdens for your loved ones in the event of your premature death. We’ve designed plans that may be able to help secure your family’s future.
Integrity FHL is an independent insurance agency partnered exclusively with Globe Life Family Heritage Division. We specialize in offering supplemental health insurance policies to individuals and businesses in markets across the country.
We are looking to partner with people with a heart of service, a passion to grow, and a desire to lead.