Included below is everything you need to master the sales presentation.
Success in our business boils down to 3 things: HABITS, SKILLS, and ATTITUDE. The “Skills” part comes down to simply knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. Confidence leads to success. Knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it leads to confidence. Memorizing the sales presentation word for word is a vital component to your confidence and therefore your success.
My challenge to you is to have the entire presentation memorized BEFORE you go to sales academy. Not knowing the presentation before sales academy is like a quarterback going to football practice without having studied the playbook and knowing the plays. Quarterbacks (top sales professionals) memorize the playbook (sales talk) and then work on execution during practice (sales academy/ first 100 demos). You can’t practice if you don’t know the plays. You can’t execute if you haven’t memorized.
If this seems daunting don’t worry. Break it down and learn the sales presentation one section at a time.
But we can’t do the push-ups for you. It is on you to be diligent with your time and do what is necessary to memorize the presentation. Top agents take advantage of every opportunity to master the sales presentation. They have the written presentation PRINTED out and read it every morning and night. They record themselves giving the presentation. They hand write the presentation (multiple times in some cases). They watch the video and listen to the audio and talk along with it. You get the point.
Now you don’t want to just become familiar with the presentation. You want to memorize the presentation. There is a difference. Becoming familiar with the presentation is like watching a good movie. Memorizing the presentation is like learning the lines and being able to deliver them like the lead actor. You are the lead actor. Memorizing the script involves reading a line and then testing your ability to deliver that line out loud without reading it. Then you memorize the next line by itself. And then see if you can deliver both lines together. And then add another line by itself… and then see if you can deliver all those lines together, etc.
When I first read over the presentation I remember thinking it was really goofy and cheesy. You may be thinking the same thing. Know that there is method to the madness. There is psychology factored into every word. We can teach you how to adjust to specific situations and how to tailor your presentation for different prospects but it is paramount that you have the basic presentation memorized first.
Here are the tools at your disposal for learning the sales presentation:
Below is the link to download and print the written version of the presentation. Memorize the parts in BOLD first. I would suggest printing this out and having a copy with you at all times.
Below is the link to watch a video of the presentation and listen to an audio (great for driving, jogging, etc). The video and the audio version really help you see & hear how the presentation flows with the back and forth with the prospect.
*** The password for the video is “training”. ***
VIDEO – B2B Sales Talk (Full Presentation Cancer / ICU)
AUDIO – B2B Sales Talk (Full Presentation Cancer / ICU)
STUDY TIPS FROM A TOP PRODUCER (wrote $90k NAP in first 3 months)
For each paragraph:
- READ it once or twice.
- WRITE it out once or twice.
- SAY it out loud and RECORD yourself saying it.
- LISTEN to the recording while REPEATING it with it.
- At first you will be behind the recording.
- Then eventually you will catch up to the recording and be able to say it right along with the recording.
- And finally you’ll be able to say it ahead of the recording.
- Once you can say the presentation ahead of your recording you are ready to move to the next paragraph.
Repeat this process for each paragraph, memorizing a paragraph at a time.
Yours to count on,
Sean Rivas